
We opened Russell Reynolds Associates Japan in 1986 to support the region’s rapid economic growth through expert executive search and leadership advice.


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"We're passionate about elevating Japan by providing innovative ideas and the transformational leaders to implement them.” 

- Ryoko Komatsuzaki, RRA Tokyo Lead



How we help business leaders in Japan




of our projects involve colleagues from our global offices 


Our team in Tokyo provides a wide variety of leadership advisory services—including executive search, executive assessment, CEO succession, and board evaluation—to companies across all sectors.

While members of our local team are experts in finance, technology, consumer, healthcare, industrial, and natural resources, we work closely with our 47 other offices around the world to bring together the right specialists to answer the challenges of any industry.



Case studies

  Long-term, global CEO succession

Long-term, global CEO succession

A listed Japanese industrial company with global operations had only ever drawn C-suite talent from its domestic headquarters. To compete with global competitors in an uncertain business environment, the company decided to broaden its succession plans to different regions.

The company wanted an advisor that could help it take a globally consistent approach to identifying candidates’ strengths and areas for development. And it wanted to take a continuous approach to succession, so it always had a pipeline of great leaders in development.

Our Tokyo office pulled together a global team to articulate an executive success profile with the company that formed the foundation of consistent assessments. Using our proprietary Leadership Span™ assessment tool, we were able to work with the company to create individual development plans for each candidate before providing executive coaching to the most promising candidates.

When it came time for the company to bring in a new CEO, the Nomination Committee found our assessments extremely helpful thanks to the objectivity of our data-driven approach and clear rating standard.


Global leadership team development  

Global leadership team development

A listed Japanese technology company with global operations needed to strengthen the quality and quantity of its global management capabilities to deliver on its growth strategy.

Our team in Tokyo stepped in to devise a strategic route forward. We started by working with the company to create a vision of the desired organizational structure. This meant that, together, we could identify missing critical roles, including digital and sustainability leads, and define success profiles for them.

The next step was to find leadership candidates who could live up to the success profiles. To ensure the strongest candidate pool, we assessed internal candidates based in Japan and conducted a broad search for top-notch global talent, both within and outside the industry.



Accelerating DE&I, digital, and sustainability

A listed Japanese healthcare company with global operations was committed to becoming a truly global company. But for the expansion to succeed, shareholders knew the company would need a board of diverse members with various backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge.

Our Tokyo office formed a global team to analyze the company’s board composition. We then mapped the current board against the key skills and experiences it would need if it were to deliver on the business’s strategy. The results led to a multi-year board refreshment process that diversified skills and backgrounds, including appointing three new NEDs with international backgrounds: a non-Japanese woman, a non-Japanese man, and a Japanese woman. 





Akasaka Biz Tower 37F
5-3-1 Akasaka
Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6337


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