Board Succession

Proactive board succession planning isn't just good governance; it's a strategic must.





of high-performing boards have succession plans for the board and critical board leadership roles.

Source: RRA, 2024


Board succession planning isn't about finding replacements—it's about expanding your current capabilities. Plan for a board that shapes the future, not one that echoes the present.

We develop board succession strategies that not only maintain board effectiveness but enhance and elevate it, keeping your board ahead of emerging challenges and opportunities.

The board succession questions we help you answer

Your succession strategy should be a deliberate evolution of your board's capabilities and perspectives

We help you navigate critical board succession decisions with confidence, ensuring your board maintains the right mix of skills, experiences, and forward-thinking leadership.

  • How will you maintain board effectiveness through planned and unexpected transitions?

  • Does your board succession pipeline align with emerging governance demands around digital transformation and cybersecurity?

  • Are your board succession timelines optimized to prevent knowledge gaps and maintain strategic momentum?

  • Have you built a board succession framework that balances continuity with the need for fresh perspectives?




Board succession to secure leadership for tomorrow

We help you build a robust board succession pipeline that addresses current needs while anticipating future challenges and opportunities. Our approach ensures the development of a forward-looking board that fosters sustainable performance, champions innovation, and leads with a clear and purposeful vision.



Build your succession roadmap 

Modern boards require strategic foresight and intentional planning. We partner with you to create comprehensive succession plans that align with your long-term strategy—whether that's implementing digital transformation or strengthening risk management.



Future-proof your leadership 

Every succession decision shapes your board's trajectory for years to come. We help you identify crucial gaps, anticipate upcoming changes, and build a diverse pipeline that ensures your board remains effective through every transition.  



Strengthen board effectiveness 

The strongest boards are built by design, not chance. We assess your current board composition, identify future capability needs, and develop succession timelines that maintain the perfect balance of continuity and fresh perspectives. 



Access tomorrow's talent today 

The competition for next-generation board talent is fierce. We leverage our extensive networks to help you identify and engage with emerging leaders early—building relationships with potential candidates well before you need them. Our approach ensures you have access to a diverse set of qualified candidates when succession opportunities arise.



Meet our board succession lead

Rich Fields

Rich Fields is a trusted advisor to boards and corporate leaders who regularly ask him to customize and deliver annual board and director assessments, benchmark boards against both peers and evolving investor and ESG standards, avoid or mitigate activist vulnerabilities, and develop more productive relationships with their largest and most influential shareholders. He also partners with clients on thoughtful board refreshment and CEO and other leadership succession events.

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