The CHRO Turnover index is based on the most current and reliable information, focusing on HR Executives who hold the top HR position within their organizations. As executive roles and reporting practices are dynamic, some changes may not be immediately reflected, and figures may adjust quarterly as new appointments are retroactively announced.
Data Source
The data presented in this report was built through human-forward research and mapping to pinpoint individuals who hold top-level HR roles within organizations globally.
Time Frame
The analysis covers CHRO turnover and appointments from Q1 2018 to Q3 2024. Specific focus points have been highlighted for trends observed in Q3 2024.
Data Accuracy
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data, it is based on available information at the time of reporting and may be subject to updates as new information becomes available. This includes leveraging data on individuals who are VPs, HR, and SVPs, HR, who serve as the top-level HR role within their organizations but may not necessarily be labeled as a CHRO. We aim to be inclusive in our approach and encapsulated all the publicly available data. There may have been interim placements or appointments that did not work out, resulting in the same organizations experiencing multiple CHRO movements within a 1-2 year span. Therefore, while the movement tracks all changes within an index, a single move does not always equate to one company, as a single company may have various CHROs over a short time span for different reasons.
Use of Data
This report is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as the sole basis for any business or strategic decisions. It is recommended to consult with professional advisors for tailored advice and analysis.
Global CHRO advisory leaders
Our global Human Resources Officers team provides strategic insights and guidance to tackle your most complex HR leadership challenges. We work with you to create tailored solutions that strengthen your organization’s leadership and drive impactful change.
Jason Kipkala is a member of Russell Reynolds Associates' Global Legal, Risk, & Compliance Officers and Human Resources Officers Knowledge teams. He is based in Toronto