
Turn disruption into a competitive edge. Our global team of experts will help you adapt faster, act more sensitively and lead more assertively than ever before.

Consumer businesses face constant business model disruption, as digital technologies, changing demographics, and shifting socio-political forces radically alter consumer behavior. What people consume, and how they consume it, has changed forever. We help you get ready for what's next.

Accelerate customer-centric growth

Never has the global consumer carried so much power. Today’s companies can no longer ignore customer-centricity. We help you find or develop the leaders you need to rise to this challenge, so you can meet customers with the right products, in the right channels, at the right time.

Unlock digital-enabled success 

Investment in digital channels, products, and services is paramount—but it shouldn’t come at the expense of margin. We help you find digitally savvy business leaders who can optimize customer acquisition, operations, and sales channels for both revenue generation and profitability.

Ready your operating model for what’s next

To build resilience in a disrupted world, companies must find new ways to strengthen their supply chains and reduce over-dependency on single sales channels. Our advisory teams will help you pivot to this reality—whether that’s helping build your own sales channels, finding local supply chain solutions or brokering innovative partnerships with distribution partners to offer true omnichannel solutions.

Make bigger, better

Mergers and acquisitions and private equity investment are playing a major role in how consumer businesses evolve. Integration, rationalization, consolidation, and portfolio carve-outs have become sector constants. We help you find the talent who can navigate today’s disrupted landscape.




Today only 16.7% of consumer CEOs have experience in a digital role, in the next five years that number will rise dramatically.

RRA research shows that 85% of consumer companies had a sustainability leader, however, these leaders rarely reported to the CEO. Instead, they often wear multiple hats and stretch across functions.



Unleash innovation in the consumer industry

Our consumer experts have extensive experience across the industry, finding and developing visionary leaders in:

  • Consumer Products
  • Media, Entertainment, Gaming, and Sports
  • Leisure and Hospitality
  • Omnichannel Retail and Luxury


Global consumer leader

Rhys Grossman

With more than 17 years of experience advising organizations on their leadership challenges, Rhys ensures we bring the full power of our one-firm approach to solving consumer companies’ toughest questions. That means he brings together the right team to meet your organization’s needs.


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