
Sustainability is a defining issue of our time. We help CEOs and boards steer their organizations toward a more sustainable—and profitable—future.

With organizations under increasing pressure to deliver long-term value for all stakeholders, business leaders must take concerted action to integrate sustainability across the business strategy. We support organizations at every phase of their sustainability journey, identifying gaps in leadership approaches and offering comprehensive guidance on embedding sustainable leadership across strategy, operations, and culture.

The new bottom line

Companies can no longer center profits and quarterly performance as their primary business goals. Today, success means creating value across all stakeholder groups, including investors, employees, customers, suppliers, and communities. We guide organizations worldwide—including some of the world’s sustainability vanguards—to help them realize their boldest ambitions for a tomorrow that prioritizes inclusive value creation.

From complexity to clarity

Leaders around the world increasingly recognize the importance of a sustainability focus, but many do not know where or how to embed sustainable thinking and actions across the critical areas of people, products, processes, partners, and profits. RRA helps clients understand, attract and develop the talent needed to build their near-, mid-and long-term strategies, and align leaders around the sustainability vision.

Unlocking 360-degree value

Companies that are able to fully embed sustainability across their organizations leverage these unique differentiators to maximize social and financial value – including the ability to access more favorable financing, attract top talent, unlock new market opportunities, and grow their customer base. We co-create your future so you can realize the 360-degree value of sustainable organizations.

Core leadership attributes

Sustainability and ESG-focused functions play a critical role in embedding a new lens for assessing and transforming company strategy, operations and culture. But not everyone has what it takes to succeed in this role. Our groundbreaking research with the UNGC revealed the five core attributes needed to be a sustainable leader – and we ensure the person leading your sustainability work can deliver across these dimensions and the required functional expertise.






of our successful board candidates were women in 2020

of F250 companies have a senior leader with a sustainability mandate

of F250 companies have a C-suite level leader with a sustainability mandate

of global companies are implementing sustainability in their operations*

*Source: UNGC/Accenture study:


Global sustainability leaders

With more than 80 years of combined experience in executive search, our sustainability leaders ensure we bring the full power of our one-firm approach to help you achieve your ESG goals. That means we bring together the right team to meet your organization’s needs.


Sustainability insights





Chief Sustainability Officers Have More Impact When They’re Aligned To The CEO

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Partners in Possibility

Get in touch to discover how we can help bring the future into focus - for you, your people, and your business.