Technology Transformation Begins With Leadership

We help leadership teams unlock the full value of technology transformation. Maximize your company's digital skillset with RRA.


Tech transformations only succeed when great leaders are powering them.

You could have all the latest tech, platforms, and software, but without visionary and bold leaders throughout your organization, you’re unlikely to reap the rewards you’re seeking.

We help you find and develop tech-savvy leaders across your C-suite and board who have the commitment, vision, and know-how to unlock the exponential value of technology.



years of experience


successful searches every year


of leaders we place are still serving



Unlock exponential value from technology


Our promise to you

We’ll work to ensure your entire board and executive team understand their role in pivoting your organization towards a more tech-enabled and customer-centric future.

Our promise



How we help you unlock exponential value from technology

To find an advantage through technology, you need to know how and where to apply it within your ecosystem. We’ll help you build a leadership team and organizational culture to do just that.

Understand where you are in the digital maturity curve
We use proprietary methodologies to understand the digital maturity of your leaders, culture, and organization—then partner with you to develop a plan to gain an advantage from tech.

Find and develop tech-savvy leaders
Our 50+ years of data-backed executive search experience, unparalleled market insights, and unbiased selection process help you find and develop leaders who know how to use technology to drive growth.

Make technology part of leadership performance
With proprietary tools and methods, we help you embed digital skills and thinking into leadership assessment, so you can incentivize the technology advantage.

Build tech-savvy leadership teams
Our unrivaled data on successful leadership and psychometric tests show the best ways for your executive teams to work together to unlock the full potential of technology.

Nurture a tech culture to foster innovation
Our scientific approach to culture assessment and development continuously measures culture at both individual and team levels to show you how to build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive tech culture.



How you need to think about technology

Four myths are holding leaders back from capturing the full value of technology. You need to move beyond these myths to gain the tech advantage.

Four myths

Learn how



Related reading



A CEO’s story of securing a pipeline of digitally-smart leaders

This is a story of how a company is finding the leaders it needs to gain an advantage from technology, from the point of view of its CEO.

Read the Ebook →





A Tech-First Culture Boosts Resilience. So How Can More Leaders Build One?

There’s an urgent need to change the rhetoric around technology—and leaders have a crucial role to play in this discussion.

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Becoming a Best-in-Class Digital Operator

Faced with a disjointed approach to digital, a world-leading consumer packaged goods company partnered with RRA to realize its vision of becoming a truly digital operator.

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Integrating the Digital Functions with the Business

With a new CEO in place, a global pharmaceutical company partnered with RRA to rethink its approach to technology and accelerate its transformation journey.

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