The State of Sustainability Today

The State of
Sustainability Today

Our research with thousands of global business leaders shows organizations are up for the sustainability challenge.

Discover the steps they’re taking—and why it might not be enough.
A sustainability
Senior leaders are clear on the sustainability opportunity—and the risks that inaction could bring.
think environmental issues will impact the long-term viability of their business
think labor issues will impact the long-term viability of their business
think community issues will impact the long-term viability of their business
think regulatory issues will impact the long-term viability of their business
Leaders are busy developing actionable sustainability plans to maximize opportunities and shield against risks.
are developing concrete plans for environmental issues
are developing concrete plans for labor issues
are developing concrete plans for community issues
are developing concrete plans for regulatory issues
And the
good news?
Leaders will keep investing in sustainability, even in an uncertain and volatile business context.
And they’re
The vast majority of business leaders think their organization will meet its sustainability targets.
Is this true progress?
Or over-confidence?
Read our full research to discover the four critical divides in thinking and capability that will stop many from hitting their sustainability targets.




Connect with our sustainability experts behind this research



How we support sustainable leadership

To future-proof your business, we work with you to recruit and develop leaders who understand why sustainability issues are vital to long-term success—and how to capture the opportunity.


Enhance your board’s sustainability credentials

Sustainable leadership starts at the very top. We find ways to strengthen ESG oversight by advising on how your board embeds a sustainability lens into its culture and structure, as well as directors’ sustainable leadership credentials.


Develop sustainable executives

Executive leadership teams need to work together towards your sustainability vision. So, we work with your top team to assess and develop executives’ sustainability capabilities.


Find leaders with a sustainable mindset

Our unique approach to assessment ensures we find CEOs, board members, and CxOs who have the mindset and skills to drive sustainability in your organization. In fact, 46% of the job specifications we create talk about sustainability.


Find world-class sustainability function leads

With access to an unrivaled pool of sustainability talent, we work with you to find best-in-class Chief Sustainability Officers, Heads of ESG, sustainable finance leaders, and leaders for sustainability business units.


Train sustainable leaders with MIT

We’ve partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management to create and run a sustainable leadership course exclusively for senior executives.





Divides and Dividends | 2023 Report

Deliver stand-out sustainability success.