Global Leadership Monitor Workforce Transformation

Future of Work: The Workforce Transformation Challenge 

Is your organization ready to transform? 
We can’t predict the future of work with certainty, but we do know that workforce transformation is on nearly every leader's mind... 


believe that their employees' skill sets need a complete or partial change.


believe that their in-house technology and resources need a complete or partial change.


think their workforce composition needs a complete or partial change.
When we look at skills transformation specifically, senior leaders were identified as the group that needed to transform the most.
And roughly 1 in 5 leaders think their SLT needs a complete overhaul.
With stakes this high, it's no surprise that workforce transformation debuted at #4 in our bi-annual tracking of top threats to organizational health.
% of leaders ranking each item as a top five issue impacting organizational health in the next 12-18 months.

Uncertain economic growth


Availability of key talent/skills


Technological change


Workforce transformation


Increased regulation


And of all the top five threats to organizational health that leaders are concerned about, leaders are least prepared to face workforce transformation,
with only


of leaders stating they’re ready to face this threat.
So, what is driving the need for workforce transformation? The top reasons CEOs and C-suite leaders see are...    
Cost and profitability
When it comes to taking action to transform, how confident are senior leaders? We found that C-suite leaders are significantly less confident than CEOs about their organization’s ability to transform. 
Despite the differing confidence levels, organizations are taking steps to transform. What are the most common steps organizations are taking?
58% of CEOs and C-suite leaders stated that the majority or a subset of their employees are being ‘upskilled’ to improve in their existing roles…
…and a further 13% of these leaders said that their organization was piloting upskilling efforts.
Despite the differing confidence levels, organizations are making progress to transform. But, while 81% of leaders feel their organization is moderately or somewhat adapted to the future, only 4.5% of leaders feel that they are well-adapted.
Leaders can’t become complacent. Some change is not enough.
Only the most agile and forward-thinking organizations will thrive in the future of work.  

Want to know more about the top threats to organizational health, and how to become a future-ready leader?  


Global Leadership Monitor

A global survey of boards, CEOs, CxOs, and next-generation leaders that tracks key threats to organizational health and leadership preparedness to face them.


The Future of Leadership

The world is changing. Here’s how leadership needs to change with it.




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