Leadership Lounge | Ep. 7 – Why even top leaders need a mentor

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2月 14, 2024 | 15 分
Executive Summary
Whether you’re a budding leader or a seasoned CEO, we share how you can benefit from mentoring.

Leadership Lounge | Ep. 7
Why even top leaders need a mentor

Leaders today are grappling with uncertainty on multiple fronts. And the quickening pace of change is leaving many feeling overwhelmed and underprepared.

It’s in high-stakes moments like these that mentoring can help leaders overcome loneliness, gain a new vantage point, or benefit from objective advice from someone who’s been there before.

In fact, in our recent Global Leadership Monitor, 71% of the CEOs we surveyed felt that mentoring could have been better incorporated during their transition into the role.

But, when it comes to choosing a mentor, what should you prioritize? What does a great mentor-mentee relationship look like? And when in your career can you benefit most from a mentor?

In this episode of Leadership Lounge, we put these questions and more to three of our esteemed leadership advisors: Symon Elliott, Mia Keinanen, and Steve Morse. Here, they share real-life examples of how mentors can propel leaders forward for professional and personal success.

Tune in to discover how having a mentor can increase the longevity of your success as a leader, and why vulnerability and honesty are key traits to harness for a fruitful mentoring relationship.

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