What Is the Impact of Gender Bias in the Media’s Portrayal of CEOs?

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Portrait of Hetty Pye, leadership advisor at Russell Reynolds Associates
Portrait of Margot McShane, leadership advisor at Russell Reynolds Associates
Executive Summary
Join RRA to explore research on media representation of women CEOs in FTSE 100, S&P 500, and Euronext 100.
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Date: February 25, 2025
 10:00am EST, 3:00pm GMT


Join Russell Reynolds Associates (RRA) where we will dissect groundbreaking research which explores the media representation of women CEOs across the FTSE 100, S&P 500, and Euronext 100 companies.

Key Insights To Be Unveiled:

The Positivity Gap: Women CEO departures receive nearly twice the media coverage of their male counterparts.

The Innovation/Inspiration Dichotomy: Men are twice as likely to be described as innovators, while women are frequently labeled inspirational.

The Ambition/Confidence Double Bind: Women CEOs are tasked with navigating contradictory societal expectations around leadership traits.


Why Should You Join Us?

We’re committed to changing the conversation around women CEOs. To shine a light on the scale of the issue, we analyzed the stories that were being told in the international media about women and men CEOs. The results were clear—women CEOs face high levels of scrutiny and unconscious bias in the global media, which is holding back gender equity in the top seat.

Join us as we talk you through the research and explore how we can collectively tell a different story and create meaningful change in 2025 and beyond.



Margot McShane

Margot McShane

Co-lead Board & CEO Advisory, Co-Founder RRA Artemis, Russell Reynolds Associates

 Hetty Pye

Hetty Pye

Board & CEO Advisor, Co-Founder RRA Artemis, Russell Reynolds Associates


 Mary Ann Sieghart

Mary Ann Sieghart

Author of The Authority Gap


 Jorgen Vig Knudstorp

Jorgen Vig Knudstorp

Former CEO, The LEGO Group

 Lisa Wardell

Lisa Wardell

Former CEO, Adtalem Global Education


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