Beyond the Founding Team | A Leadership Playbook for Growth: People

We researched 40 of the most successful, high-growth tech companies to understand best-in-class executive leadership appointments over time.


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People leaders are appointed to formalize organizational systems that support and enable both a current and future state.

Chief People Officers are typically the last executive hire, and half of these leaders stay through IPO.



Chief People Officers

Source: 2022 RRA Growth Co Analysis, n = 30 Chief People Officers


Chief People Officers at time of IPO

The profile of leaders who built people strategies to support continued growth, culture and innovation:

icon  76%

Were appointed externally

icon  82%

Had public co experience

icon  65%

Are women

icon  4 yr

Average tenure

icon  50%

Were first-time CPOs*

Source: 2022 RRA Growth Co Analysis, n = 22 Chief People Officers

*Chief People Officers stepping into the role for the first time were either divisional or regional HR leaders, came from a strategy & operations background; or had HR advisory/consulting experience.


Leadership Experience

Source: 2022 RRA Growth Co Analysis, n = 11 First Time Chief People Officers

Discover more People leadership insights


Five differentiators of high growth technology CPOs from Fortune 500 CHROs

Five differentiators of high growth technology CPOs from Fortune 500 CHROs






  • Robert Alexander is a member of Russell Reynolds Associates’ Technology Knowledge team. He is based in New York City.
  • Agnes Greaves co-leads the firm’s Core & Growth Technology practice globally and the Consumer Digital & Media practice in Europe. She is based in London.
  • Tuck Rickards heads the firm’s San Francisco office and co-leads the Core & Growth Technology practice. He is based in San Francisco.


Methodology and Notes

  • Analysis of 40 tech/tech-enabled companies that were founded since 2005 and IPO’d 2017-2021, were largest by region according to valuation at time of deal, and achieved ≥20% revenue growth rate over the three-year period prior to IPO
  • Industry verticals included: fintech, healthtech, automotive/transportation, eCommerce/marketplace, software/cloud
  • Analysis includes only the appointment of non-founder executives
  • Major funding rounds: approximate point in time at which each company reached series C/later stage funding
  • APAC excluded from study due to data accessibility
  • Sources: Pitchbook, Board Ex