Unlocking the Power of Culture

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Portrait of Gretchen Anderson, leadership advisor at Russell Reynolds Associates
Gretchen Anderson
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We are delighted to host a breakfast event on “Unlocking the Power of Culture”.

The extraordinary uncertainty of recent years has thrown organizations around the world into constant, ongoing transformation. Throughout this era of radical disruption, all leaders must be stewards and models of culture. Organizations that successfully align strategy and culture are those that outperform the competition and maintain the confidence of shareholders, investors, and the board. But this is no simple task.

Our speakers Gretchen Anderson and Katariina Kravi will share their perspectives on the “no regrets moves” that all leaders can and should make to continue to cultivate the asset of their organization’s cultures. We’ll discuss questions like – what is the difference between values and culture? Does every transformation require a culture drive? And, what do the best leadership teams in the world do to maintain alignment between strategy and culture?

We will be joined by a high-level cohort of HR leaders from major Finnish companies.


Contact us to register your interest in attending future events.