#PivotToProgress: Q&A with Marc Bitzer

Leadership StrategiesSustainable LeadershipLeadershipBoard and CEO AdvisorySustainabilityBoard EffectivenessTeam Effectiveness
文章图标 Interview
九月 21, 2020
15 文章图标
Leadership StrategiesSustainable LeadershipLeadershipBoard and CEO AdvisorySustainabilityBoard EffectivenessTeam Effectiveness
RRA interview
Accelerating Execution and Opportunity Through Leadership


In our #PivotToProgress series we interview key leaders from mission-critical, digitally-enabled industries across all sectors in Europe, as they discuss how they are actively “pivoting to progress” throughout the Covid-19 curve. From them, we heard of substantial changes occurring along four key themes: Technology, Organisational Effectiveness, Guidance & Governance, and New Bets.

In this video, Marc spoke to Jens-Thomas Pietralla, Managing Director at Russell Reynolds Associates about his most challenging Covid-19 conversations, the leadership competencies he considers most important for the future, how he plans for the short and long term and his experience working with fellow board members to provide the best outcome for the business.

The interviews in this series informed the content of our study, “The European Voice from the Top: Six Covid-Era Leadership Imperatives to #PivotToProgress,” in which we gain a better understanding of what will be required of leaders in the coming years.