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奠定基础     制定计划     实现变革



01. 奠定基础:将可持续发展融入到领导力和文化中

Making progress on sustainability is in large part a matter of leadership capability and culture. To drive sustained action, organizations must build a robust talent management framework that embeds sustainability into how leadership talent and reward decisions are made as well as how the leadership team operates.












02. Set the Plan: Connect sustainability priorities to the core

Who is on your board matters. Having board members with experience in driving sustainability-related transformations is hugely valuable. Not all board members need to be experts in the space, but a diversity of perspectives across the group that is relevant to the sustainability issues at hand, is a must.


Connect to the core

Drive for value creation

Engage the board

Get specific

Orient your sustainability strategy around your company’s core business and areas of current or future competitive advantage.

Begin with impact reduction but strive for goals that create added value both commercially and environmentally or socially by offering new solutions for entrenched problems.

Ensure the board has an active stake in setting priorities and a clear role in achieving them.

Translate enterprise-wide sustainability goals into concrete actions and measurable objectives that leaders and employees alike can feel in their day-to-day work


03. Enable the Change: Communicate and build employee engagement

The sustainable mindset: purpose-driven belief that business is not a commercial activity divorced from the wider societal and environmental context in which it operates. Culture analytics are crucial: Traditional engagement and culture survey methodologies often produce flawed results which are overly positive and unable to reveal substantive, high-impact issues. New and more sophisticated culture analytics are able to reveal beliefs, experiences, and behaviors at a much sharper level of contrast. To drive a sustainable transformation, this level of clarity is crucial for leaders.

Measure culture and engagement

Center on your people

Tap into employees for innovation

Engage employees strategically

Go beyond typical engagement surveys and use advanced culture analytics tools to get a deep scan of how connected employees really are to the organization’s purpose and whether the right behaviors are manifesting in the organization.

Make “people” central to communications and engagement strategies; consider bottom-up not top-down approaches to mobilizing employees.

Ensure you are leveraging the diversity of perspectives and solutions that employees of all backgrounds, and across the networks, can provide.

Achieving strategic goals (sustainable or otherwise) is significantly harder without an engaged workforce. Pay particular attention to issues of diversity, equity, and fairness – and don’t fall into the trap of managing perception; instead, identify and tackle the root causes.



